Healing the Tigress

Ep. 34 - Ayurvedic Nourishment for Breastfeeding and Postpartum Healing with Anhoni Patel

Healing the Tigress Podcast Season 2 Episode 34

On today's episode, we sit down and talk about breastfeeding and mental health with Anhoni Patel, the founder of the popular Mrs. Patel's Ayurvedic Treats and Teas for lactation and pregnancy support. Anhoni started her small business in 2012 while 4 months postpartum with her second child to make Ayurvedic inspired treats and teas to support pregnancy, lactation, and women's health. She shares with us how these time-tested Ayurvedic recipes have been passed down for generations in her family and how the company is named after her mother. 

We discuss how between her Indian mother and Korean mother-in-law, she was able to take advantage of their postpartum traditions that were instrumental to helping her through her postpartum periods. It's possible that the postpartum support provided by her mother and mother-in-law were helpful to preventing postpartum mental health disorders for her. And now Anhoni wants to pass on some of her family's traditions to support other mothers who could benefit from the same kind of generational nurturing she so appreciated from her own mother.

Through working with many families over the years, Anhoni has heard about many breastfeeding journeys. Her biggest message is that your breastfeeding journey is truly a very individual choice and that every mom needs to do what's right for her family. She believes maternal mental health is quintessential above all and that no drop of breastmilk is more important than having mom be well enough to be the captain of her ship. 

We all firmly believe in "fed is best" and "support is best" to help women on their feeding journeys, whatever that looks like for each individual. So hopefully this episode can validate your choices in your feeding journey and potentially give some ideas for holistic support too, as Mrs. Patel's is based on the idea that food is medicine. 

Find more of Anhoni at:
Website: https://www.mrsmilk.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mrspatels/

Note: The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed are the speakers' own. This podcast is not a replacement for therapy or professional/medical advice. If you need more support or advice, please reach out to your own medical professional who can answer your questions with your individual medical history and background in context.

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